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Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Get Answers. See if it is a question we can answer below.


Is This Just Marketing or Can This Really Help Me?

The Trading Vigilante training courses, strategies and software have been created by world class professional traders. Over 25 years of trading knowledge, experience and ‘know how’ have been condensed into each and everyone of the courses we have produced. Our trading software has taken 10+ years to evolve to this point with hundreds of hours of coding from constant tweaking and testing and we practice what we preach by actually using the same tools made available for our clients in our own trading.

As a result, we really believe ‘Traders Are Made, Not Born‘ (See blogpost) and the training, tools and software can really help people learn how to actively trade any market.

We practice what we preach. The courses, tools and software we produce is exactly the same as what we use in our trading.

We don’t just sell out of date courses or software just make a quick buck. We use the exact same tools, techniques and software we provide to our clients in our own trading. That’s right, shock horror….we actually trade the same stuff we teach and give to our clients. Nothing is held back!

We aren’t journalists or “researchers.” We’re in-the-trenches DOERS who despise theory and believe that the best way to learn something is to roll up your sleeves and get your hands a little dirty. 

This unique perspective is why our training, tools and software is just flat out better than any other trading training courses on the market. That may sound like bragging, but we believe, “It ain’t bragging if it’s true.”

Is This Just Some ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’ or a ‘Cookie Cutter’ Process?

Trading Vigilante is a business-building resource. We strive to teach our students how to build real, long-term, trading & investing businesses. It is intended neither to be a get-rich-quick moneymaking opportunity, nor to be a program that promises you will achieve any results whatsoever. We simply provide guidance, support, and clear instruction so you learn to become a consistently profitable trader & investor. However, if you’ve tried to trade any market but didn’t get very far, you’ve probably made some of the mistakes we see people make time and time again. The three most common ones are:

  1. The Cookie-Cutter Syndrome: Some people buy the latest “cookie-cutter” trading-system, indicator, or trading riches-in-a-box. While they can work to a degree, they don’t work in every market. If they do work, they stop working after a while. When too many people use the same cookie-cutter trading-system or whizzbang indicator, eventually they dilute its effectiveness for everyone. They even run the risk of killing it. Markets are evolutionary systems and change over time. A rigid trading system which works today, will unlikely keep on working. This is because the markets evolve but interestingly they adopt the same structure throughout this evolutionary process
  2. The “Shiny New Thing” Syndrome: While working on their trading, some people get distracted by the latest indicator, bells & whistles software, or trading strategy. So they stop to focus on the “shiny new thing.” It’s like sailing towards your next vacation spot. You chart your course for a pretty little island. But on your way, you spot another island, so you change course. While you’re on your way there, another captures your attention. Until you realise you’re just drifting in the middle of the ocean going nowhere. We find that most traders who have been trading for some time but failing to get consistent results fall victim to this approach
  3. The Corner-Cutter Syndrome: This is a classic. Some people are in a hurry. Some never get anything done because they want things to be perfect. Others cling to an idea without knowing if it will work. So they cut corners, skip over critical steps, stop getting the basics right or do needless things along the way. And they wonder why they’re not making money. Traders are inundated with information overload so very quickly fall victim to this syndrome

If any of these sound familiar to you, then you’ve come to the right place. None of them are taught here!

Learn more about our approach to trading by reading the blog post: ‘Traders Are Made, Not Born‘ 

I Am New To Trading, is This Suitable For Me?

Simple answer. Yes! But we would say that!

Trading Vigilante has been created from the ‘Grass Roots’ up. As such we start at the very beginning and quickly accelerate into advanced strategies. Trading Vigilante is a business setup to help traders achieve their trading goals and we have tried to produce everything and anything a trader could need to achieve this. We do this by creating education courses, deliver bite-sized strategic execution plans, share our trading software (T.R.E.N.D.S).

Each course aims to teach an individual what is needed to trade successfully and how to build a long and profitable trading business and details the core components you MUST have in place.

If you are new and just starting out then everything you are taught will be essential for you to develop and as such this training, coaching and software is absolutely perfect for you.

I Am an Advanced & Experienced Trader, is This Suitable For Me?

Again the Simple answer would be Yes! Trading Vigilante delivers the whole package and while we start at the beginning, we develop from there pretty quickly and as such we cover a lot of the more advanced materiel suitable for experienced and advanced traders looking to develop their trading and push through to the next level.

Our courses and strategies are suitable for any experienced trader looking to refine their skills and create further success. As the old saying goes: If you had found the answers in the places you have previously looked, you would not be here reading this now.

The fact you are considering investing in this training would suggest you know you have more to learn and need to learn more to reach that next level. We can help, and we have done so with many of our past members, a large proportion of which had traded for over 15 years and still learned more from us and increased their trading success.

Our Trading software(T.R.E.N.D.S Autotrader) is professional grade and highly customizable and can be tailored to deliver specific trading outcomes and many experienced and advanced traders will use our software to create their own bespoke strategies which allows them to advanced and ascend their trading result.

My Trading is Different, is Trading Vigilante Really For Me?

Trading Vigilante is perfect for what it is you do or want to do. Are you a total beginner or a seasoned pro? Are you already an active trader or just thinking about becoming one? Are you a Day-Trader or Longer Term Investor? Do you trade Forex, Stocks or Commodities? You may be looking at quitting your day job working from home as a day trader. You may be searching for a new career. You may already have a good degree of trading & investing success but want to take it to the next level. Either way, Trading Vigilante can help you and we believe our courses and software are perfect for you if you’re….

Already a Trader? Do you already have an active trading account? You may have several years trading experience but you are frustrated with the results. Sometimes you have a good run but then give it all back and you are looking to create more consistent returns growing your equity over time? Done right, you can grow equity and create more tangible and consistent profits which create wealth rather than having some good winning days followed by long and drawn out draw-down periods and long strings of losing days. You can achieve returns you may have never thought of ever achieving!

A Day Trader, End-of-Day Trader or Longer Term Investor? The real beauty about the trading systems, courses and software offered by Trading Vigilante is the fact that our approach is based on the underlying structure of the market. This will unlikely mean anything to you right now, but when you know what the underlying structure of the market is you can effectively trade it. Amazingly, ALL markets and ALL time frames exhibit this same underlying structure and provided you have the right tools and maps to read the market you can tap into and align yourself with the forces which drive it. This is the beauty about the ‘Fractal’ properties inherent in all markets. As a result, Day Traders to ‘End-of-Day’ traders to longer term investors can all benefit from trading the usually unseen structure and behavior of any market on any time frame.

FOREX, Stock and Commodity Traders? The Trading Vigilante Trading Approach works in ALL types of markets. Why? Because ALL markets are the same. It does not matter whether you are trading a Stocks or Forex, they are all driven by the same forces and as such have the same underlying structure. Knowing what this is, is THE key to long term profitable trading. This is what you will learn by working with Trading Vigilante. Our members trade a variety of different markets using exactly the same techniques with no need to adapt their approach and this is what makes our trading methodology truly unique and truly powerful!

Trend Trader or Swing Trader? Most traders fall into one of 2 camps. ‘Trend Traders’ often avoid markets which swing between ranges and most ‘Swing Traders’ avoid periods of sustained price trend (up or down). What if you could know when a market is trending or range bound and switch between the differing strategies so you get the best of both worlds? Statistically markets only trend 15% of the time, so a trend trader misses out on 85% of market activity. That said 90% of the price advances occur in classic and clear trending markets so the swing trader often misses out on the golden profits run the trend traders benefit from. Trading Vigilante Traders seek 100% of the market activity and understand how to trade both types of market behavior and our T.R.E.N.D.S software quickly tells a traders what style of trading should be adopted in real-time with very little lag.

Learn more about our approach to trading by reading the blog post: ‘Traders Are Made, Not Born‘ 

What Markets Do I Need To Trade?

This is the real benefit of Trading Vigilante. The theories, software, strategie and analysis techniques we use apply to ALL markets and our trading approach will work whether you are trading Forex, Stocks, Bonds or Commodities, it also works across ANY time frame, intra-day and end-of-day, Weekly or Monthly and as such our systems lend themselves to being a short term trading system or a longer term investing system.

The reason why it works? All markets are driven by the same forces and knowing what these are dictates what markets you can trade. At the heart of the Trading Vigilante approach to trading is the ‘Fractal Nature’ inherent in ALL markets irrespective of time frame, type of market or instrument used to trade. In short, it is the same forces which drive all markets and we teach first and foremost understand what these forces are, how to analyse them and then how to trade them. To learn more about our core approach to trading read our blog post called: Trades Are Made, Not Born!

My Trading is Different, is Trading Vigilante Really For Me?

Trading Vigilante is a business setup to help traders achieve their trading goals and we have tried to produce everything and anything a trader could need to achieve this. We do this by creating education courses, deliver bite-sized strategic execution plans, share our trading software (T.R.E.N.D.S) and other tools and strategies but like any master chef needs good kitchen equipment, any master trader needs a handful of tools.

This is normally and computer, broadband connection, trading software platform (We use Ninjatrader as it’s the only platform to offer extensive customizability to create truly bespoke trading solutions) which allows custom indicators to be built and a data feed matching the time frame you trade. Beyond these basics, there is no more that you need. You certainly DO NOT need the Bells & Whistles which dominate the trading arena these days.

Oh and one more thing. You need patience and disciple to give yourself time to learn and evolve and follow specific processes without getting carried away.

Sounds simple…right? Well in reality it is. We have paved the way for you, you just need to follow, join our cause, be ‘All In’ and have fun trading.

What Results Can I Expect To Achieve?

Great question and we get this a lot. Trading & investing is a funny old game. We have worked with very intelligent people, most of which are the best in their field of work. They come to trade and boom, deliver nothing and they find this hard to understand.In stark contrast, some of our most profitable traders were high school drop outs. Of course plenty intelligent/successful people succeed and many not so intelligent people fail when they trade. In short, intelligence and success in a past endeavour bares no prediction of future success.

No matter who the person, there is ALWAYS one reason why they fail. They are trading the WRONG MAPS.

The trading arena is like no other. Markets do not respect past success, they care very little for letters after your name. If you learn the right maps and align yourself with the underlying structure of the market then all people, intelligent or stupid, past successes or failure will succeed. Markets are driven by the most basic human emotions. Developed society has made most people lose sight of these basic driving forces and it is our job to show you and re-teach you something you may have lost many years back.

Rich or poor, highly intelligent or stupid, success or failures. People DO NOT fail because of these things, they fall because they are trading the wrong path and using the wrong tools.

For those traders who do succeed, and we have a great track record of successes, significant and life changing wealth sits right around the comer. The better traders are realistically aiming to grow their capital by around 13% per month on average. This is achievable but only when traders use the right approach to trading. For more detail on our core approach to trading please read our blog post: Traders Are Made, Not Born


How Do I Become A Trading Vigilante?

Becoming a member of Trading Vigilante is easy. If you have decided to invest in yourself and invest in the security of your financial future then simply register and become a member of Trading Vigilante for FREE. You can Register Here.There are many ways to get involved, you can enrol in courses delivered by the Trading Vigilante University (TVU) or take a course delivered by the Trading Vigilante Labs (TVL) or dive into our trading software: Trading Vigilante T.R.E.N.D.S. Taking any course or getting access to our software automatically enrols you into being a member of the Trading Vigilante community.

Learn more about our community and what we stand for and become a Trading Vigilante by reading our ‘About Us‘ page which details more about who we are, our mission and what we believe.

In addition, follow us on facebook, twitter and our other social media channels and get involved in the discussions being had on these platforms.

Once you become a member the first few training modules for our courses will be made available to you FREE of charge so you can get an overview of what we offer and how we operate and these are waiting for you right now in the private members area which is the starting point for every trader we work with and there is a community of active traders ready to share their secrets with you right now. Get started right away by clicking the ‘GET STARTED’ button at the top right of this page.

What Are The Benefits of Becoming A Member?

There are many benefits to joining Trading Vigilante as….

1. A clear sense of direction and purpose in your trading & investing?

2. Specific instructions of what to do and in what order?

3. Top-level experts teaching you each step of the way?

4. Access to a list of all the tools and training you need?

5. The ability to focus your thinking and gain more clarity?

6. Countless trading opportunities opening themselves up to you?

7. Knowledge and guidance to get to where you want to go?

8. Someone teaching you who’s already where you want to be?

These are just a few of the core benefits in joining us. GET STARTED right now by clicking the ‘GET STARTED’ button at the top right of this page and start exploring more of the benefits available to you right now!……go on, we don’t bite….get started right now. Join our cause, enter our community, become a Trading Vigilante and start creating the financial freedom you desire.

How Long Does My Membership Last?

Your membership to Trading Vigilante will last a lifetime and will remain valid as long as you wish to remain a part of our cause. Subscription to our courses or software or the one time lifetime payment without refund will entitle you to a lifetime pass to additional private members areas where you can access courses and software for life. What this means is you will, for life have continuous access to:

Unlimited Training Updates: We are constantly improving our trading methodologies and as soon as we have something good, you will have it too.

Ever Growing Trading Community: As time goes by, more and more traders will enter our community bringing with them insight and knowledge to share. members benefit from the collective intelligence born out of this community.

Bonus Training: The trading world is ALWAYS changing. As we create new methods, strategies and indicators we update our members with their results and how to utilise them.

Lifelong Coaching: The Trading Vigilante team answer ALL trading questions submitted by members. Often this is done in regular live and recorded sessions. You will continue to gain benefit from these calls year in and year out.

Lifelong Partner Program: As a member of Trading Vigilante you have the ability to make money direct from our partner program. Lifelong access means there will always remain a potential income stream open to you. Our partnering program helps us ‘spread the word’ about Trading Vigilante but also allows our members the opportunity to make money by doing so. So if you need more money to trade, join our partner program, help us spread the work and get paid for doing so. This money can then be used to trade and make more money.

Lifelong Support: Our private members support desk will remain open for life. No matter if you are 2 months or 2 years into your subscription, you can still use the support team to get help and support in your trading as you need it.

Lifelong Access to Events & Unadvertised Offers: From time to time we are given special deals and offers from everything from software to data feeds, other training providers and events and we pass these discounts and benefits straight to our members. You will gain lifelong access to future discounts and events and unadvertised offers.

Ever Expanding Resources: We have amassed a large number of resources essential to trading success over 25 years of trading and pass these on to our members. More and more resources become available as time goes by. You will gain lifelong access to a continuously growing resources area.

So in addition to some of the most comprehensive training and professional grade software around today, you get all the above extras which many say are worth any costs been incurred just on their own.

What Happens if I Cancel My Membership?

You subscription to Trading Vigilante is RISK FREE. Base level entry into the Trading Vigilante members area is 100% FREE. To access this members area click on the ‘GET STARTED’ button at the top right of this page.

Should you decide to subscribe or purchase any of our products each come with a 30 days no-quibble guarantee so you have 30 days to check out the product, private members area, use the resources, engage in the community and start studying the first training modules. If you do not feel this is right for you. no problem. Just email us via the members support desk and we will refund your payment in full no questions asked. If you refund within 30 days your access to the FREE private members area will remain and you will retain full access to ALL resources found in there.

If you decide after 30 days from you initial start date the purchase of a product is not for you, you will no longer be eligible for a full refund. As a result, for subscription courses you will pay for what has been accessed and will keep access to all this material but will not gain access to new material. For lifetime purchases you will retain full access to the product purchased and you will continue to have full access to the private members area, the use of the resources, the use of the community and access to the entire training program but will no longer be eligible to receive a full refund.

What is The Trading Community & How Can it Benefit Me?

The Trading Vigilante Trading Community is a community of ‘Trading Vigilantes’ along with members of the trading team here at head office. It is a fantastic portal which allows like-minded traders to get together, hang out and talk about everything trading.

There are groups and forums you can join and contribute to the discussions. You will see the Trading Vigilante team actively engaging with members discussing everything from questions around the training right through to discussions on trading books, indicators, strategies and a whole lot more. It is an exciting and engaging place to be and a place where traders with a common purpose can gain benefit from the collective intelligence of others.

Even we have learned quite a few things from the community since it was established!

PLEASE NOTE: Like any education provider we are not regulated to give trade recommendations or investment advice. Thus the community is not somewhere to find specific buy and sell trading recommendations.

Will I Have To Pay More In TheFuture If Prices Rise?

Absolutely NOT! The costs for your subscription or lifetime access will retain all the benefits as advertised and you will not be asked to pay more than what you agreed to in the future.

We continuously monitor the price for a lifetime membership to Trading Vigilante products as well as ongoing subscription services and we believe we continue to offer the most value for your investment relative to our competitors.

That said we reserve the right to increase the subscription costs at any time for new clients but NOT for existing clients. So, what you pay today is ALL you will ever pay even if what you pay is less than what is shown for the service right now. If we add more content, introduce new systems & software, resources or anything else we will not ask you to pay more to continue access.

For example, access to one of our flagship courses is currently advertised on our site for $1497 and if you buy today that is what you will pay. If the cost to access this course in the future rises to $1997 we will not ask you to pay any more. Likewise, if the costs to subscribe to one of our subscription product is $97 per month and this rises to $147 per month then you will retain the $97 subscription price and thus benefited from taking action early on.

Even if the cost has tripled since you invested, your will pay no more than the initial one time lifetime membership at the time you made the investment. We guarantee there will be no additional costs post your one time investment. We feel it’s only fair on our members and we value them more than anything else.

In addition, some of our trading software is delivered in different packages and should you buy one level and wish to upgrade to the next level, you will only pay the difference between what you have already paid and the price of the upgraded software package and not have to double up on your money. 


What is T.RE.N.D.S & Why is it Different?

T.R.E.N.D.S is our propriety trading software and stands for ‘Technical Research Employed to Nonlinear Dynamic Systems’ and is a process of trading developed from professionally trading markets for over 25 years. We have researched, built and trialled literally thousands of technical trading systems, indicators and approaches to improve and refine our own trading results over many years. Over this time we have found and built systems which have proven to work consistently and we have employed these to trading all types of markets across all types of time frames.

In addition, we know the markets more closely resemble chaotic systems like the weather of complex systems as we define markets as Nonlinear Systems and thus our trading methodology couples together applying technical systems which are better able to trade Nonlinear systems and thus better trade the markets compared to most other linear tools.

For years traders have been using the WRONG MAPS when they trade. using blunt tools to trade complex systems which is exactly what the markets are. There is little wonder why so many fail.

T.R.E.N.D.S is different and allows a trader to tap into the often unseen underlying structure of a market and define order where other traders sees chaos.

T.R.E.N.D.S is a professional grade trading software and highly customizable. As a result you can load templates which will setup the system to trade as you want to trade or how someones else trades, or you can customise and adjust hundreds of different parameters bespoking the software to how you wish to trade and thus generate results specific and personal to you. The system can be tailored to fit the types of markets you trade, the time frame you wish to operate within and the level of volatility you wish to experience and trade volume. This is what makes our systems unique and why our clients love working with us.

Learn more about the T.R.E.N.D.S approach by CLICKING HERE.

How Do I Get Access to T.R.E.N.D.S?

T.R.E.N.D.S is delivered via a number of ‘packages’ which contain different elements of the overall T.R.E.N.D.S trading software. We have engineered these packages so that traders can access the components they are most interested in and access those elements which relate best to how you wish to trade. We have the following package types:

  1. Indicator & Custom Bar Types Package – This package includes over 33 propriety indicators and 4 custom bar types all powered by the T.R.E.N.D.S Trading Algorithms. This package is ideal for traders who wish to apply discretionary analysis to markets without filtering or automation.
  2. Signal Filter Package – This package includes additional filter indicators plus new indicators that can refence any time frame for tapping into the larger degree trends. At the heart of this package is our filter indicator which literally allows traders to mix and match any indicator output against any other and also filter signals by larger debgree trends giving a HUGE trading advantage for identifying the highest probability trading signals.
  3. Semi-Automated Trading Package – This package introduces traders to automating their trading by allowing traders to build sem-automated strategies around their indicators. The key benefit here is the strategy notifies the trader when a trading signal arise but does not automate the order entry, instead it comes back as seeks approval before being submitted. This strategy package is great for traders new to trading autmation and allows traders to ‘cherry pick’ their trades.
  4. Fully Automated Trading Package – The end goal for any trader is to create a fully automated trading strategy which they can test and optomize then release on the market to automatically generate high probability trading signals before automatically submitting orders for entry, initial stops, brea-even stops, trail-stops and exit signals. Just set up your strategy and turn it on and watch the trades being placed live and from your charts.

Once you have decided which package is right for you simply add this package to your basket in the private members areas and chech out. From here you will be provided with everything you need to start trading with T.R.E.N.D.S.

IMPORTANT: If you start with one package and wish to upgrade to the a higher package we WON’T charge you twice. We will simply charge you the difference between the two packages so you only ever pay for the highest package available and you won’t be doubling up on costs.

How Customizable is T.R.E.N.D.S?

This is the real power of T.R.E.N.D.S. We have built this trading software to be like a swiss-army knife capeable of hundreds if not thousands of different variations and adjustments so each trader can use our platform as we designed it or how they wish to customize it. All settings and parameters are changeable and you can turn on and off all functional aspects. You can mix and match indicators together or filter one against another while referencing higher degree time frames and tredns. this list of variations goes on and on and you have to see if to believe it.

One this T.R.E.N.D.S is NOT is a black box trading system only capeable of turining on and hoping you make some money. We are pretty certain nothing like this exists anywhere and we have built it in the same way we would build an institutional trading platform, the difference being retail traders have full access to this and not just a priviledge few professional or institutional traders.

General T.R.E.N.D.S Information

T.R.E.N.D.S is a complete trading systems which can be customized and tailored to any trading style, market or time frame. there are literally hundreds of variations and iterations allowing a trader maximum flexibility to setup the software specific to each trader.

T.R.E.N.D.S runs on the Ninjatrader platform and thus to access T.R.E.N.D.S you will first need to install this trading platform which is free to download by CLICKING HERE.

We have chosen Ninjatrader as the platform to host T.R.E.N.D.S as to date it is THE only platform to allow institutional grade customisation and the only platform which allowed us to create custom bar types to help strip away volatility inherent in markets. Simply put, to build a system as complex as T.R.E.N.D.S there was only Ninjatrader capable of allowing us to deliver this software.

T.R.E.N.D.S software is delivered in 3 packages. We have chosen to do this as we know traders are often at different stages in their trading careers and traders have different trading plans and objectives.

Some traders just want to use the T.R.E.N.D.S indicators to analyse markets and place trades manually using their own discretion around which signals to take.

Slightly more advanced traders see the true value in using the T.R.E.N.D.S package which not only allows in-depth markets analysis but identifies those trades which have the greatest probability of success. For these traders we offer the signals package.

For the serious traders we have the T.R.E.N.D.S Autotrader package. Here the traders has everything and an Autotrader which offers Nth degree customisation and the ability to setup the trading system to run and trade in real-time right from the chart with orders routed direct to market often well before the trader could place the order themselves.

To learn more about T.R.E.N.D.S and to determine which package is right for you CLICK HERE.

Is .T.R.E.N.D.S A Trend Trading System?

We get asked this a lot! T.R.E.N.D.S. stands for Technical Research Employing Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and the terms T.R.E.N.D.S. defines the process and system we use to trade the markets. 

T.R.E.N.D.S. does allow traders to accurately identify the start and end of trends with very little lag in all types of markets and as such, yes, T.R.E.N.D.S. is a trend following system but in reality T.R.E.N.D.S. is much more than that and can be customised and configured in a way so that it can be setup and equally useful as a swing trading system.

T.R.E.N.D.S. has hundreds of different parameters and sensitivity settings and the installed default settings can be tightened or slackened off. As a result, looking for acute turns of swings when markets are range bound renders the system suitable for classical swing trading strategies. Equally, further setting adjustments will allow T.R.E.N.D.S. to ignore short term swings and identify larger trends which the trader can then exploit.

In summary, while the name T.R.E.N.D.S. implies a trend trading system, the term T.R.E.N.D.S. relates specifically to the process of how the software has evolved rtaher than the speific tradig strategy it can be employed to trade. 

So, whether you are a trend trader or swing trader, day trader or position trader or indeed an investor T.R.E.N.D.S. is a suitable choice for you.

What Platform Software Do I Need for T.R.E.N.D.S?

We have been trading for many years and over this time been building and evolving our trading systems and software across pretty much every platform you could wish to use. We have used: Metastock, Tradestation, Omnitrader, eSignal Ninjatrader to name a few and even tried to build our own software platform from scratch.

The reason for this is while we know what we want the software to be able to do, often it is the software platforms which apply restrictions and limitations on being able to do it. In many cases we have found different platform allows us to do some things and not others which is frustrating and as a whole most trading platforms have limitations in their coding which can put the blockers on some good trading ideas long before they become reality and able to be back-tested and finally traded.

By far the best trading software for serious traders is Ninjatrader and while it is not without it’s faults, it is hands down THE platform which is built in a way which allows maximum customisation. Our coders and programmers love it for precisely this reason.

From creating custom bar types to esoteric indicators and highly complex institutional grade Autotraders Ninjatrader has allowed our team of coders to do what ever crazy idea we could imagine and produce and indicator which can be applied to real markets, tested and either terminated as a bad idea or moved forward and optimized as a good idea.

As a result, Ninjatrader has become our software of choice and that’s why we use it. We appreciate traders who come to us as new clients may often be using a different software platforms and naturally want the indicators to be transposed to their favoured platform. However, if this was possible we would have done it by now but the full systems simply cannot be translated effectively to many other software platforms and still work reliably. In many cases the accuracy of the indicators will erode or the platform will simply not allow our coders to build the indicator the way it should work and this risks a trader using a poor substitute for an indicator or autotrader which could costs a lot in poor trading outcomes.

Software platforms are evolving all of the time but the best ones code in Microsoft C# language which allows for clean coding which is highly customisable and as soon as other platforms allow our systems to work as good as Ninjatrader currently does we will be sure to include these into our indicator suites.


What Education Do You Offer?

Trading Vigilante is not just a trading software company. We aim to offer a wide range of educational training courses delivered in one of 2 formats:

  1. Trading Vigilante University – Aims to deliver high end training courses which are very in-depth trainings spread often over many weeks. Training is deleivered as multi-media training and taking these courses will massively accelerate your understanding and trading results.
  2. Trading Vigilante Labs – For shorter more bitesized trainings on specific spects of trading you can take an execution plan style ‘Lab; and hone into just one specific aspect of trading to sharpen those skills. For example, you might want to learn about position sizing and risk management, elliottwave 101 or a specific analysis technique and how to trade it. Labs will have you covered.

When you become a member you will be able to add courses and trainings to your account and study at your own pace. In addition, you will have access to dedicated groups and forums that include ONLY those members who have also accessed that training so you can share notes, knowledge and udnerstanding which we have found makes learning much quicker and easier with better results.

Do I Need To Have The Software To Access The Education?

Simple answer. No! We have made sure everything we produce is modular. While courses can be ‘packaged up’ with software you can absolutely just take one of our courses from the university or lab and you are not obliged to buy software and vice versa.

How is Your Training Delivered?

Our courses vary in size from bite sized trainings to more in-depth courses spread over several weeks. We have created our training to be delivered in multi-media formats and they are designed so you can pick and chose what works best for you and the time you have available.

Once you have gained access to a piece of training you will have access to this training for life so there is no rush, just complete in your own time. 

For our larger courses we have limited how quickly you can progress through them to prevent people from getting overwhelmed and we have found this to work best for people as they work their way through our training.

What if I Want to Binge Learn?

Every now and then we have a student who wants to ‘binge learn’ that is gain access to all our training and learn at a faster pace that we traditionally allow. While we would not recommend this we can accomodate this but if we unlock all the training you subscribe to and you wish to learn in one binge session we ask you forefit your right to any refunds offered. We do this to try and prevent unscrupulous people wanting to learn what we know but don’t wish to pay for this priviledged knowledge and this we believe is not fair on our other members. 

So, if you want to binge, let us know but the refund opportunity will be forefitted.

What is Covered in Your Training?

Across the Trading Vigilante University and Labs we aim to cover ALL aspects of trading and investing. We are adding new training and courses over time as we work to get our knowledge and lessons online. We aim to cover everything from stock trading to options trading, market analysis, trader psychology and risk and money management the list goes on and on and we aim to add as much subject matter as we can.

How is Your Training Delivered?

We have taken a lot of time and continue to do so to move our trading knowledge online. We have build a new educational training platform that deliveres our courses and trainings in a structured and logical way so traders cannot get lost as they learn. 

Our training is delievered across multiple media formats including video, audio and supporting documents all to aid the learning process.

If you subscribe to a course you will have access for life and you can study using your computer, ipad and even iphone so if you are ‘on the go’ you can always have your training accessible to you.

One thing we get asked a lot is can this material be downloaded and we do not allow this. Given that your training is available anywhere and at anytime on any device there is no need to allow downloads. This helps us protect our intellectual capital and prevent courses you have paid good money for being shared freely by other less honest people. While 99% of our clients respect what we do, not everyone does and we want to protect our clients as much as ourselves.

Will Your Training Help Me?

Yes, yes and more yesses! We come across so many people who just want the next get rich indicator and don’t want to learn how to trade. Our indicator packages are by far the best available today, we are certain of that but if you couple these with knowledge and understanding you become a trading powerhouse able to build a profitable trading business that affords you the freedoms you crave.

Our clients are smart people. Often in the top 1% of intelligence and they understand the needs to learn as well as get access to amazing software. Think about it, image we gave you a brand new Ferrari and passed you the keys but you had not learned to drive….how frustrating would that be. You have the amazing car but you are never going to get the best out of it unless you also take the time to learn how to drive it. Trading is NO different. T.R.E.N.D.S is the ferrari (we believe) and our education teaches you not only how to use it but how to trade, analyse and understand how markets operate. How to better manage your own psychology and manage trading risk and so much more.

Put the 2 together and there are no limits on what you can achieve….we know this because plenty of our other clients have done so and keep on doing so!


What is Secret Trading Dimensions?

Secret Trading Dimensions is our Flagship Training Course designed to teach a trader how we trade markets. The course is very in-depth and coveres all aspects of trading from understanding what a market really is, to how to analyse the markets and generate profitable trading signals as well as trading psychology, risk and money management and how to progress and develop as a trader and how to build and run your own profitable trading business.

Secret Trading Dimensions leaves no stone un-turned and the content is delivered weekly for the full 12 week training period

How Long Does The Training Take?

The Secret Trading Dimensions Trading System is a complete training system which is delivered over 12 weeks from the point of joining. The entire course delivers over 50 hours of Trader Training created and presented by professional traders who have traded Stock, Bond. Commodity and Forex markets over their personal and professional trading careers spanning over 25 years.We have professionally managed trading accounts well over $2billion in assets and have worked with and trained thousands of traders who now consistently make profitable trades in ALL types of market.

Secret Trading Dimensions leaves no stone un-turned and the content is delivered weekly for the full 12 week training period

What is Covered in The Course?

Secret Trading Dimensions is a complete questions and answers trading system. This means that we cover the entire subject matter and leave no stone unturned.

You will learn about the 6 ‘Secret’ Trading Dimensions EVERY trader MUST perfect of they are to become consistently profitable and we teach you how to do this step-by-step.

You will learn how to better understand the behaviour of any market and learn how to analyse it and create highly profitable trade entry, add-on and exit points to maximise the risk-return payoff of the trade.

You will learn how to scale into trending markets and create 3 to 4 times the move in one trade without risking your shirt. To learn more about whats included see the features and overview pages on the Secret Trading Dimension Course by CLICKING HERE.

How Many Modules is The Training Divided Into?

Secret Trading Dimensions is a complete trading system covering each of the essential 6 dimensions for successful and profitable trading.

The course is divided in 6 parts corresponding to each of the 6 trading dimensions and then each part is broken into modules covering specific topics which make up each trading dimensions. Each part contains somewhere between 10 and 15 training modules.

In total there are 6 parts broken into 76 modules and each of these come with their own video, audio and supporting cheat-sheets and video workbooks all designed to help you really learn the information contained within. You can view each of the modules as many times as you like and work at your own pace making sure you have thoroughly studies each module before moving onto the next.

Each part builds on the information of the previous parts and each module follows the same process, building on the information contained in the previous modules so we strongly advise working through the course in the same way it is delivered and not to jump around. 

What Markets Do I Need to Trade Using Secret Trading Dimensions?

This is the real benefit of Secret Trading Dimensions. The theories and analysis techniques we use apply to ALL markets and our trading approach will work whether you are trading Forex, Stocks, Bonds or Commodities, it also works across ANY time frame, intra-day, end-of-day, Weekly or Monthly and as such lends itself to being a short term trading system or a longer term investing system.

The reason why it works? All markets are driven by the same forces and knowing what these are dictates what markets you can trade. This ‘Fractal’ nature inherent in all markets lies at the heart not just of the Secret Trading Dimensions trading course, but at the heart of everything we teach and the tools and software we produce here at Trading Vigilante.

What Happens When I Complete The Training?

Once you have completed the entire training you will be armed with everything you need to start your trading or improve your existing trading.

We can teach you what you need to know and develop the skills you require but ultimately the market will teach you how to trade and teach you how to develop your inner trader. As such you will learn and grow through practical application of the skills you learn.

That said, you are never alone. Our support does not stop after the 12 week training program which is why we have built the community, host monthly coaching sessions and have a dedicated member support team. We work with you along the way. Some traders learn what they need and go off on their own, other need more help. That is what the private members area and private trading vigilante community is designed for so you can interact with other like minded traders all at different points in their journeys.

The final dimensions in the trading system is ‘Trader Development’ and there is a whole section in our training teaching you how to grow as a trader and build your trading account in a structured way. This is key to long term success which is why it formulates one of the 6 core dimensions to successful trading.


What is The Trading Vigilante Community?

Trading Vigilante offers all our members, free and paid the opportunity to access a trading community of like minded traders. The idea is all our members have the opportunity to connect and discuss everything from aspects of our training courses and software to generale trading chit chat.

We find people progress best when they are part of a community and part of a movement. We adopt a ‘no member is left behind’ mentality and we try help each other achieve the results we all wish to achieve and speaking with other people either further down the track or further behind where you are fosters an accelerated approach to learning and achieveing results.

We do not use our community to offer any investment advice but traders can discuss their setup and strategies and for those members who have subscribed to products and services we offer dedicated and private groups just for those members to discuss a specific training course or how they are setting up their trading starategies and the results they are achieving.

What Happens When I Join?

When you first become a member of our community you immediately enlist as one of our ‘Trading Vigilantes’ and from this point onwards you become one of us.

You have your own profile to upload you picture and set you personal members area and share a little about where you are on the trading developmenent curve.

In you personal profile you can see the groups and forums you have access to plus all the free and paid courses and software packages you own. 

Our community consists of 3 core elements:

  1. Forums – Open discussion areas for support and sharing ideas.
  2. Groups – Dedicated member pools based on specific subject areas or courses & software.
  3. Members – A pool of community members all following the trading path who can be used to bounce ideas and share learnings and other trading related benefits.
Do I Have To Get Involved?

While we want people to share their knowledge and experience to help other you don’t have to get involved and you don’t need to join anything. You still have your personal profile and cann access any Trading Vigilante products all without being involved in any groups or forums and you don’t have to connect with anyone if you don’t want to.

Is My Privacy Protected?

Yes, absolutely. Any personal contact details such as you real name or email if hidden from other members. Any courses or software you have access to is not known by other members and you only share information of your choosing PLUS we will NEVER share your info external to the private members area and we will NEVER sell your data to others. We operate a strictly confidential portal and you can always request details of information held at anytime.

Other members cannot automatically connect if you do not want them to. While we find embracing the community a positive for members, those who wish to remain private and confidential can totally do so with no pressure to do otherwise.

Will I Ever Lose My Membership?

Once you become a member you are a member for life unless you chose otherwise. We will not close down your membership or turn off access to any course or software you have access to.

If you chose to leave and wish to close down your membership we will support you on doing so and any information relating to your membership profile will be removed to protect your privacy.

The only time we would ever seek to close down any persons membership is if they behave in breach of our membership policies of good will to all. Expressing a negative opinion is fine but doing so by insulting others or using bad language directed at or intended to harm other will not be tolerated and you such members will be warned if if they continue may face expulsion. Thankfully we have never had to do this and hope we never will.

We love our people and have created the community as a force for good and positivity to help each other and hope all members use this in the spirit it is intended.

Can I Use The Community To Get Advice?

Absolutely NOT! We are not regulated investment advisors and while we have operated in a professional capacity in the past we offer software and education and no specific investment advice and nor should any member of the community.

Sharing ideas, strategy setups, opinions and supporting others is fine, but telling another member to buy XYZ plc because they think it is going up is totally prohibited and such comments will be removed.

Before any member acts to buy or sell any financial instrument they should always do so having first spoken with their professional advisor and not rely on the opinion of another member no matter how convincing the argument sounds.

Please review all disclaimers at the foot of all pages if you are unclear on any of our policies.


What results Can I Expect to Achieve?

We get this question a lot and we have found the answer is very simple. Having worked with many, many people over many years we have seem some people thrive from some of the humblest backgrounds with very little starting capital and go on to create huge amounts of wealth. At the polar opposite, some very well capitalised people have struggled to succeed with most people sitting between the two extremes.

What is abundently clear is those who succeed throw themselves 150% into becoming highly successful traders. The ‘WANT’ to succeed and the really ‘WANT’ to change their lives and interestingly they end up doing so, often in ways that surprise us even today!

We ask our people to ‘GO ALL IN’ when they work with us and committ to their goals and niot just ‘show up’ and hope things will work out.

There is a great saying ‘You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink’ and this is SO true from our experience. So the simple answer to what can you expect to achieve….it is really up to you…..What do you want? What is it all for? What is driving you?

What we do know, is if you commit, if you ‘GO ALL IN’ and work fully with us and follow our simple step process to success (Sofware + Education + Community = Results) then we know we can help you and we know you will achieve what you set out to achieve. This is why we set our company slogan to ‘You’re One Trade Away…’ and pose an open question because being one trade away from something which is unique to each individual. For some it’s their first family holiday in years, for others is quitting their job, buying a house, a car, a boat, a plane….there are no limits but you MUST GO ALL IN!

For a sample of what is possible, check out the results published on this website. If you want to learn more we publish results in our private members area and you can get started by registering for FREE and heading over to the results page where you can opt-in (also free) to get a report which details how we make up these trading reults.

How Do You Generate The Results on Your Website?

The results we generate and publish on our websites are created using the T.R.E.N.D.S Autotrader where we have tested and optimized one of many strategies that deliver consistently profitable trading results. How we set this up to manage each trade is defined stages:

STAGE 1 – Optimal Entry

The autotrader uses some of the T.R.E.N.D.S Indicators to generate trading signals based on the trading time frame. We then filter signals against a larger degree trend optimized for the market being traded, again we use in-built T.R.E.N.D.S indicators to filter signals and define the larger degree trend. This setup filters buy and sell signal so we take long trades when the larger degree trend is up and short trades when the larger degree trend is down. This reduces whipsaws and improves significantly our win to loss ratios and reduces the number of trades being stopped out.

STAGE 2 – Risk Capital Management

Having set up the entry and exit signals using our entry and exit engines within the Autotrader we then build a risk management strategy around the trading setup using core components of the Autotrader. First off we set a volatility based initial stop to limit loss per losing trade – Risk Management 101.

We then set the Autotrader to trigger a ‘break-even’ stop once the market has moved a certain distance in our direction of trade. For example, if we are long and the market moves 5 points up from our entry this could trigger our breakeven stop. What this does is automatically adjust our initial volatility based stop to the level we entered the market. Moving your stop to your entry level means we protect our risk capital so we can at least breakeven on this trade – Risk Management 102.

Now our risk capital (The most precious thing a trader has) is fully protected we can now think about locking in profit.

STAGE 3 – Profit Capital Management

The strategy so far has ensured optimal trading signals ONLY are taken and when we assume risk our initial risk is limited and reduced as the trade progresses and the market begins to take flight. Now it’s time to let the market run for as long as possible, and our Autotrader strategy moves into the next Profit Protection phase. Here we can adopt different profit taking strategies all easy to setup in our Autotrader.

Profit Target – Setting a simple target process based on points, ticks or a % of capital risked.

Trail Stop – Setting a low lag volatility trail stop to track the market up and tighten as market consolidate and begin to pull back. Great for getting as much out of the market as it is prepared to give you.

Reversal – Simply taking profits when there is a signal generated in the opposite direction.

Exit Signal – Similar to reversal but our Autotrader allows you to define a specific signal to either close the trade or reverse the trade allowing even more flexibility for each trade.

For the strategy we use to produce the trading data shown on this website we use a simple Trail Stop strategy to lock in as much profits as we can muster in-each trade.

Once the trade has cycled through each of the phases the Autotrader continues to monitor the market looking for the next trade and automatically executes these trades in accordance with the strategy we have setup. Every indicator has many individual permutations and the Autotrader itself has many different setups available meaning a trader has at their disposal literally thousands of different ways they can setup their trading.

Another cool feature is once we have optimized a strategy (like the one generating results shown on this websites) we can share this strategy setup in a single downloadable file. If you won the Autotrader, all you have to do is download and install this file into the Autotrader and you will replicate exactly the same strategy generating the results shown here. You then don’t need to worry about how to pick the best settings or setup the most optimized strategy as we do this for you. All you do is access our software, trade our strategy and keep all the profits!

How Much Money is Used To Generate These Results?

To keep things simple and provide a base for people to realistically aspire to we generate our results with a base starting risk capital of $10,000. We put a small proportion of this at risk in each trade. We trade a 1 lot for each trade and the risk per trade is normally around $150 or about 12 ticks on average so pretty small. We have winning and lossing trades and we have winning and loosing days but overall we see a steady net progression as our capital grows as shown in our equity curve.

At the end of each week, we remove profit capital and start the week with a flat $10,000 of risk capital again and we repeat this process. Thus what we DO NOT include is the power of compounding and we trade 1 lot per trade ONLY for EVERY trade. If we allowed our capital to accumulate and grow, our risk management would allow for more than 1 lot per trade over time and this affect would dramatically compund our returns but we strip this out which effectively dumbs down what you could expect to achieve but we feel it important to set realistic expectations.

Are These Results Real?

The results we publish on our website are derived by setting up a strategy within the T.R.E.N.D.S Autotrader and this is applied real time to trading the market. We typically display results trading Emini S&P 500, Dow Jones, and NASDAQ but equally generate very strong results trading a variety of different instruments such as FOREX, Gold and Oil.

The individual trades which make up these weekly trading results and log of all trades can be found in the Trading Vigilante members area. You can subscribe to these results and check them out yourself. If you are not already a member, simply get registered then navigate to the results page in the private members area. From there you will be able to subscribe FREE for a report where we document our trading results which make up the data displayed on this website. REGISTER FOR FREE HERE to get started.

Does The T.R.E.N.D.S Software Only Work for ES, YM, NQ etc?

We cannot publish results for every market we trade, there would simply too much to show. What we try to do is publish a sample which we feel is achievable for most perople. We have markets and strategies which generate better returns and of course some which deliver less.

The key point is, as detailed fully in our flagship trading course Secret Trading Dimensions, markets are fractal in nature. Indeed the N.D.S in our T.R.E.N.D.S acronym relates to Non-Linear Dynamic Systems. It’s a rather complex way of saying markets are more like natural systems such as weather movements and random chaotic systems than orderly structured systems as defined by newton mechanics. We explain this in depth in our Secret Trading Dimensions course but for now just be aware that markets are chaotic in nature and are therefore fractal. The interesting thing about fractals is they have what is known as self-similarity across all dimensions. Put simply, there is a self-similar pattern that repeats on a large scale right down to a microscopic scale.

Why does this help us? This is really important because if you can build tools and systems that can read and understand (at least better than most) self-similar markets then it stands to reason that the same indicators and tools can apply to stock markets in the same whay to FOREX markets or gold and commodities. Why? Because all markets work in exectly the same way. Build a system that taps into this underlying structure of the markets then it can be applied to ANY market on ANY timeframe to generate positive reults. One final major benefit if the SAME system can be used for swing trading and trend trading as these only differ by the ‘order’ of size you are wanting to trade. Swing traders look for small swings in markets and trend traders are looking for something bigger and more sustained but they both are tapping into the same self-similar structures but in different degrees of size.

So, the short answer would have been to say that NO, T.R.E.N.D.S Software works for NOT ONLY FOR trading ES, YM, NQ but works just as well trading USD, GBP, EURO and Gold, Oil and Commodities…all you need to decide is what markets you want to trade then apply T.R.E.N.D.S to it!

How Much Money Do I Need To Trade?

This is another question we get asked a lot. A core component of what we do it to give power to the ‘little guy’ what we call retail traders. Retail traders are people just like you (and us) who are not part of a professional body such as a bank, asset manager or hedge fund and typically don’t have huge chunks of cash to play with and if we lose that, no worries, have a chunk more!

We have operated in the professional trading world so we know how it works. 

For us ‘little guys’ we place our hard earned cash and speculate to accumulate. Now to offer some perspective, whether you have $5000 to trade, $500,000 or even $5,000,000 you are still a ‘little guy’ when it comes to trading. You cannot EVER move the market and you can NEVER control what it does. We cannot do this and neither can you so forget this notion right now.

The key is risk management and position sizing. The ONLY difference between the guy with $5000 and the guy with $5,000,000 is the monetary risk level. The percentages are the same but the physical cash amounts differ. The guy with $5000 may take a 1 lot for each trade signal where as the guy with $5,000,000 make take signifcantly more but the results are exactly the same.

For most people, having a brokerage account with $10,000 is normal and this will comfortably allow you to trade a 1 lot on a Emini without stress from your broker. Even $5000 is workable and obviously there are no limits on how much you with to trade with.

When you use T.R.E.N.D.S Software you can limit your risk right when you enter a trade. In fact, for novice traders this is a MUST! If the trade fails you get stopped out a lose a few dollars but most importantly YOU DO NOT LOSE YOUR SHIRT! You live to fight another day and place another trade. This one makes money and nets off you last loss and the process repeats but at the end of the period you win more than you lose and your starting risk capital grows. 

We talk extensively about how to manage risk in our flagship trading course Secret Trading Dimensions and have hard wired these principles into our T.R.E.N.D.S Software so we ‘the little guys’ can trade with relatively small amounts of risk capital and avoid being eaten alive as we learn and gain experience which is the foundation of highly successful traders over the medium to longer term.


Why Have A Mission?

Trading Vigilante believes that ALL traders MUST have goals and have something to drive them forward. It is how we all achieve what we want in life. We could just turn up and provide some ediucation and software and leave you to it. Indeed, so many other ‘Trading Educators’ out there do just that but we want more for our clients and more for ourselves so we have a clear mission we can all get behind.

Having a clear mission gives us all a target to aim for and hit and we hope this resonates with people who want to work with us, come on-board, go ALL-IN and achieve the results they desire.

Interestingly we have found that having a clear mission statement attracts those clients who WANT to work with us and these are the people we want to work with and for those who don’t want to become part of something big, they tend to stay away which is also fine.

We believe we have the best tools and materials out there and having a mission around what people are looking to achieve really helps to galvanise our people into a force for good, where no person is left behind and everyone achieves their optimal potential in a supported environment.

What Does Your Mission Mean To Me?

TOk, so we are ‘ON A MISSION’…so what, everyone is on a mission these days, right? How does that benefit you? Again, common questions. If we here at Trading Vigilante do not have a clear mission and clear goals for our clients then how can we expect you to have clarity on what you should be looking to get from working with us? 

Like any leader, the people at the head of the speer need to know what they are about and where they are going and we want to make this clear to all those interested in working with us. 

When you join Trading Vigilante you become a ‘Trading Vigilante’. This is not a group for bad but a group for good. We stand up for the ‘little guy’ and give power to those ‘Retail Traders’ who compete with the big banks and financial institutions each time they risk a single dollar trading the markets. 

The truth is we need to be smarter, more nimble and trading can feel a very isolated existence which is why we wanted to not just build a business but create a movement that could become bigger that all of us. A collective sums of the parts and not just one individual. This is why having a ‘mission’ is SO important so we all have something to stand for, to draw a line in the sand and state this is me! This is who I am and this is what I wish to become. Clarity here is massively important, hence our mission statement being designed to be all encompassing and inclusive no matter your background and beliefs…the market does not care, and nor do we.

Join our mission, GO ALL IN, enter our community and become a Trading Vigilante!

Do I Have To Get Involved?

While we want people to join our cause, get behind our mission, go all-in there equally is nothing to compel you to do so but you can also be aware of our wider mission and wider strategy so you understand where you can fit in. Our mission is your mission and we are all aligned to try and achieve great things and you can do this from the sidelines and the shadows not just being out there and many of our clients comfortably operate this way very successfully. 

The key here it it is always your choice, you can get involved and become a Trading Vigilante without needing to fully embrace all what we are trying to stand for.

What Do We Believe In?

Trading Vigilante has a fundamental belief in providing help and support to the ‘little guy’ (people just like you and us). Retail traders left alone to figure out how to compete with professional traders. We are unique in this aspects because we have stood on both sides of the fence having been professionals in our former lives.

We believe the ‘Best Traders Should Win’…that’s you! We believe the big financial institutions should NOT take all the money particularly at the expense of the ‘little guys’.The billion dollar asset management industry continuo

usly charges fees and generates huge profits delivering often minuscule returns for clients who assume risk in the markets for a poor margin return, and that’s on a good year!

The entire asset management world has been built to allow fees to be charged on assets put to work in ‘diversified’ investment portfolios which just diversify away all potential returns while providing little protection to an ever looming market collapse and for doing this, get to charge hefty fees irrespective of whether their clients make or lose money. Sound crazy when you look at it like that, right?

The entire asset management world has been built to allow fees to be charged on assets put to work in ‘diversified’ investment portfolios which just diversify away all potential returns while providing little protection to an ever looming market collapse and for doing this, get to charge hefty fees irrespective of whether their clients make or lose money. Sound crazy when you look at it like that, right?

Trading Vigilante wants to change all that and to shift the goals posts back to where they better support us ‘little guys’ and provide power and opportunity to retail traders which wish to be more in-control and self directed on their personal financial affairs.

Our Manifesto

Trading Vigilante is a community of ‘underground’ traders you’ve probably never heard of.

We are NO LONGER professionals who used to rely on cash from financial institutions to get started. We risk our own money and we do not have goals to make the big banks bigger than they already are. In fact, our motivation is the exact opposite. We have goals to give back control and help shift the playing field back towards the ‘little guy’. We have products and services that we KNOW can help self-directed traders & investors take back control of their own financial destiny & change ordinary people’s lives for the better.

Because we are fighting against the big banks everytime we trade, instititions with literally unlimited budgets, we have to do things differently. We have to do things smarter. We don’t have financial safety nets. Every trade we take is with our own money. We have to be profitable from day number one.

So how do we do that? How is that even possible?

If you asked the MBAs or look in the textbooks, or speak with a professional adviser they’d tell you that what we are doing is impossible. Yet it’s happening. Every single day. It’s happening through the art and science unique to our trading style.

We are ‘Trading Vigilantes’ and this is what we stand for. Read our Mini-Manefesto on our ‘Origin Story‘ page.


What is Business Partnering?

Trading Vigilante offers all our members the opportunity to participate in our business partnering program. The way we see it is we could spend thousands of dollars advertising our business across goold and facebook but all that does is sink lots of money into big tech companies that really don’t need it.

Alternatively we could spend the same money on our members and we prefer to do that! So instead of spending money advertising our business, we want to encourage all our members to help up spread the word and partner with us on doing so.

When you enlist as a business partner (and any member can do this even if you are just on the free membership and have not purchased any our our products or services) we will provide you with the tools necessary to help us spread the word about Trading Vigilante. There are many ways of doing this and we will help you with this also.

The nice thing about getting involved with our business partnering is that when someone referred to us by you, decides to purchase our products or services we will share their purchase value with you. So we get paid, you get paid and the new members gets their product or service and they are also free to enter our business partnering program to do the same thing.

Now, if you think about it. Getting involved in the Trading Vigilante business partnering program could mean you could start your entire trading business totally free with little or no money to start. How can this be? Consider the following steps:

  1. Step 1 – Join the members area for FREE and you will automatically be enrolled as a business partner (whether you have purchased a product or not). Even if you have NO money to trade in your trading account at this stage and perhaps no money to buy any of our products and services you can earn this from our partnering program with no initial money needed.
  2. Step 2 – You follow our process and help spread the word about Trading Vigilante and then one day someone you referred decides to buy either a course or software. We know where this person comes from (you) so when we get paid we share this payment directly with you.
  3. Step 3 – You continue to apply this process. More people join us and buy into our products and services and some people buy more and this all the time keeps adding new money into your business partner account.
  4. Step 4 – You have accumulated enough money to open a brokerage account and use this money to start trading. In addition, you can now buy our software and take our courses and you have now started your trading business totally free from nothing.

Of course, for most people they already have money to buy our products and services and fund their trading accounts but all these people can still benefit from our business partnering program either to get back some (if not all) of the money they spent on our courses and software in the first place or top-up their trading accounts. Heck, they don’t need to do either, they can just wire the cash out of their business partner account and buy something totally un-related to trading such as a nice holiday, new watch, new car etc etc

We setup our business partnering program on the back of members coming to us and saying great things about what we do and how they could help spread the word and it has grown ever since!

To learn more visit our ‘Business Partnering‘ page and register your interest and one of our business managers will contact you and help you get started. All you need to qualify is being a member of Trading Vigilante (free or subscribed) and you are good to go. Everything else, training and resources will be provided for you. It’s so simple even the least tech savvy members have this setup and working for them.

How Much Money Can I Make Partnering With Trading Vigilante?

Trading Vigilante offers high end trading education and software for self directed traders and investors looking to take control of their financial destiny.

We are a high value business and offer products and services which we believe are unsurpassed anywhere on the internet. Given our products and services are priced at the top end accordingly there is huge potential for members to make significant additional sums of money by partnering with us.

We keep it simple. For any business partner, we will share between 20% and 40% of the money we receive from a new member referred by you who buys one of our products or services. This means for every sale via a business partner referred client, you earn a whopping 20% to 40% of the money. Free members receive 20% and for members who have bought one or more of our products we double their comission rate to 40%!

So if you are a Trading Vigilante and love what we do you are the perfect person to encourage other people you may (or may not) know to get involved and by doing so can earn literally thousands of dollars every year just by spreading the word. This money can be used to get back some, if not all what you may have spent buying a product yourself or be used to fund your trading account or transfer out and spend on whatever you like.

This way money goes into our members pockets and not the likes of google or facebook and we prefer it that way!

Are There Any Costs Involved?

Absolutely not. Any member, free or paid can register as a member of Trading Vigilante and be automatically signed up to our business partner program 100% free and start promoting and spreading the work again 100% free. We provide training and resources also 100% free. Spreading the word could be as easy as posting something to your facebook account (again free to do) and inviting your friends and wider network to join. There are many ways to generate sales and we help you with all the options. None of this requires money. Of course of you want to ‘ramp it up’ then some business partners run ads to promote and generate sales but you certainly don’t need to do this, particularly at the start.

OK....I'm In .... How Do I Get Started?

Sounds too good to be true? The opportunity is real. All you need to qualify is by being a member of Trading Vigilante and from there registering to become a business partner. Just follow 2 simple steps:

  1. If not done so already, Register Here to become a member of Trading Vigilante (It is free and business partnering is eligible to free and paid members)
  2. Once you are a member you are automatically enrolled as a business partner where you will be provided with your own unique referall resources to share and spread the word.

From then you are free to help us spread the word and start making money. If you want to learn more about this program visit the ‘Business Partnering‘ page for more info.

No Matter Where You Are In Your Business or In Your Life


Financial Freedom, What's It To You? What You Wish For is Personal & Unique To You.

Only You Can Change Your Life For The Better.

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  • Everything You Need To Become A Highly Advanced Trader.

  • Trading Vigilante Gives You THE TOOLS You Need To Trade Any Market, Anywhere & Anytime!

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    Futures, foreign currency and options trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or lifestyle. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

    Hypothetical Performance Disclosure

    Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. no representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. for example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results.